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No Place to Hide; the role of the banking Chief Operating Officer


A series of papers investigating the evolution of the COO in the new regulatory era.
By Maurice Evlyn-Bufton, Managing Director, Armstrong Wolfe


Launched in London and New York.


There is no definitive answer to the question, ‘What does a Chief Operating Officer, the COO, actually do?’ Every COO’s role is unique, and more so in banking. It is to understand this exclusivity that Maurice Evlyn-Bufton has written the series of papers that have been brought together in this newly published book.


If you are an established COO, aspiring to be one, seeking to hire one or generally interested in the subject of executive management and leadership, this book offers an informed analysis of one of the most important and yet largely misunderstood leadership roles within banking today.


In 2014, Maurice Evlyn-Bufton wrote an article investigating the evolving role of the Chief Control Officer (‘Defining the Indefinable, the role of the Chief Control Officer’), which was at the time a new phenomenon. He invited twenty-five COOs from within his network and twenty-five turned up to debate his paper; an indication as to the interest in the subject itself.

This initial event evolved into ongoing quarterly forums held in New York, London and Toronto, and hosted by the participating banks themselves, entitled ‘The Markets’ COO’ and ‘The 1LOD Business, Risk and Control’ forums.


In the interim period, drawing on the input and observations of those attending the forums and from his own personal executive network, Maurice has continued to write and publish numerous articles focused on the role and challenges of the banking Chief Operating Officer. These articles have finally been brought together in Maurice's first published book. No Place to Hide was launched at exclusive events in London and New York, with all donations and proceeds going to our three worthy charities: GCF Bosnia, Sightsavers, and St. George’s Society of New York.

No Place to Hide is available to buy on Amazon.


For all queries, please contact


London launch

The New York launch

July 13, 2017

Sponsored by EY at The Metropolitan Club

Hosted by John Weisel, Global FS Advisory leader, EY


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