Donkey Mail and Bully Beef
The Art of Survival
Goražde, Bosnia 1994 - 1995
Memories of British Soldiers on United Nations operational duty in the former Yugoslavia
By Maurice Evlyn-Bufton
Donkey Mail and Bully Beef is Maurice Evlyn-Bufton's first-hand account of his experiences of his time in Gorazde whilst on UN duty during the 1994 - 95 Bosnia conflict, as well as the memories of the British soldiers and Bosnian locals who served alongside him.
Donkey Mail and Bully Beef is now available to purchase for £40 plus postage and packaging £13.50, click the link below, all proceeds will be going to Maurice’s charitable foundation, GCF Bosnia.
£40 + £5.82 postage
Step 1. Go to Just Giving and donate (add gift add if UK tax payer)
Step 2. Send you name and address to
(USA $75.42 USD, Canada £98.10 CAD, Singapore $1103.73 SD, Hong Kong $592.06 HKD)
Contact for more information about the book launch which is happening on the 6th September.
Available Now!
Our story writing competition winners visit London!
In March 2017 we ran a story writing competition, which was open to all twelve and thirteen-year-old children in Gorazde Primary School, Gorazde, Central Bosnia.
Children were asked to write a creative story in English about a traveller in a faraway land. All the stories were fantastic and even better than we imagined, which made choosing just two winners incredibly difficult!
However, the two following talented children are our winners!
Naida Efendic
Adnan Ferhatovic
The children won a trip to England for a week. Along with their teacher, they spent time visiting London's historic sights before staying for a week and attending classes at Cheltenham's prestigious private school, Cheltenham Preparatory College.
This was an excellent opportunity for the children to practice their English in a real-life setting, experience English culture, and also enjoy a fantastic trip and as one said, ‘the trip of a lifetime’.
Book Launch and Fundraiser
No Place to Hide
The role of the banking Chief Operating Officer;
A series of papers investigating the evolution of the COO in the new regulatory era
By Maurice Evlyn-Bufton
There is no definitive answer to the question, ‘What does a Chief Operating Officer, the COO, actually do?’ Every COO’s role is unique, and more so in banking.
It is to understand this exclusivity that Maurice Evlyn-Bufton has written the series of papers that have been brought together in this newly published book.
If you are an established COO, aspiring to be one, seeking to hire one or generally interested in the subject of executive management and leadership, this book offers an informed analysis of one of the most important and yet largely misunderstood leadership roles within banking today.
No Place to Hide was launched at exclusive events in London and New York with all donations and proceeds from the book itself going to Armstrong Wolfe's three worthy charities: GCF Bosnia, Sightsavers and St. George’s Society of New York.
The London launch was hosted by Doris Honold, Group Chief Operating Officer, Standard Chartered Bank, in March 2017 at Standard Chartered Bank’s London headquarters. The New York followed in July 2017 at an event sponsored by EY at The Metropolitan Club.
Four thousand complementary copies of the book have been distributed to the international COO community, along with information on how to make a donation to the charities.
Books for Bosnia
Cheltenham Preparatory School and Gorazde Primary School
Book Exchange
Thanks to Cheltenham College Preparatory School for their very generous donation of geography books to Gorazde Primary School. It is much appreciated by the students and teachers!
It's also not the first time that Cheltenham Preparatory School has been involved with the foundation; they also donated a large number of fiction and non-fiction English books in 2016 to help furnish Gorazde Primary School’s new English Language Teaching Centre.
The children have been enjoying reading them and improving on their language skills. See Gorazde Primary School to watch a video of two year 8 students discussing their favourites.
Book donations are always welcome. Please contact if you have books you would like to pass on to the school.
The Bosnia Marathon: March 2015
In March 2015, Maurice Evlyn-Bufton and several of his team at Armstrong Wolfe undertook a marathon in Eastern Bosnia to raise funds for an English teaching Centre at Gorazde Primary School.
Through sponsorship by friends and family, they raised £5,000.
The team started in the snow-covered Bosnian mountains at 3,500 ft, worked their way down the valley then into the town of Gorazde and crossed the finish line at Gorazde Primary School, where the children were waiting for them.