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The GCF Musical Festival of Hope

Saturday 8th June 2024

As the closing event for the 2024 Gorzade Festival of Hope, which starts with the 100 km charity cycle ride from Sarajevo to Goraze on Friday 7th June, with the city hosting the Family Olympics on the afternoon of Saturday 8th June, the festival will be concluded with a music event that evening.


Head lining this event will be Exclusion Zone. Its band members have been friends since they grew up together in Gorazde and named the band Exclusion Zone, from the United Nations titling of the city in the Bosnian War in the early 1990s.


The event will be supported by other national and international bands, a celebration of musical hope. Where once the hills above the city were filled with the echoes of gunfire and artillery, the festival will fill these same hills with the sound of music and hope.


Join us at the GCF Musical Festval of Hope


The Children’s Memorial, Gorazde, Central Bosnia


The town today nestles on the banks and bridges the running waters of the River Drina

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